Phyllidiopsis krempfi from Solomon Ids
January 23, 2003
From: Scott Johnson

Hi Bill,
To accompany the photo of Phyllidiella rudmani I sent earlier, here is the somewhat similar Phyllidiopsis krempfi, also from the Solomon Islands. This specimen was found at Boneghi on Guadalcanal. It is similar to the image by Bruce Potter from Karumolun in the Solomons' Russell Islands. I have a similar, yet I think different animal also from Karumolun that I will send in a separate message.
Johnson, S., 2003 (Jan 23) Phyllidiopsis krempfi from Solomon Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Thanks Scott,
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has problems with some of the phyllidiids. I have copied alongside what I take to be the anterior end of this beast. If so, I can see a pair of white spots with a translucent greyish patch in front of each one. I can interpret this as a two white tubercles with a translucent spot in front, or white tipped rhinophore clubs on a translucent stalk. Could you check any other photos you have to see if there is a more reasonable interpretation?
Bill Rudman
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