Re: Stiliger akkeshiensis from Kuril Islands
September 9, 2005
From: Alexei Chernyshev
Note added 2 March 2006: Russian animals are now considered to be Hermaea vancouverensis [see message #15995].
Dear Bill,
In reply to your questions [#14612], Stiliger akkeshiensis was listed for Kuril Islands by Minichev (1974) and Martynov (1997) but without anything information. The patches on the head consist of dark-brown pigment in epithelial tissues. According to the original description, preserved specimens of S. akkeshiensis "....have traces blackish mottles and streaks on the head" (Baba, 1935: p. 117).
Locality: Shikotan Island, Russia. Depth: 2-3 m. Length: 3 mm. 17 July, 2005. on algae. Photographer: Alexei Chernyshev
Baba K. (1935) The fauna of Akkeshi Bay. I. Opistobranchia. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University, ser. VI, Zoology, 4(3): 115-125.
Martynov A.V. (1997) Subclassis Opisthobranchia. In: Kussakin O.G., Ivanova M.B., Tsurpalo A.P. et al. A check-list of animals, plants and fungi from the intertidal zone of Far Eastern seas of Russia. Vladivostok, Dalnauka: 77-80 (in Russian)
Minichev Yu.S. (1974) Orders Sacoglossa Acoela. In: Zhirmunskiy (ed.) Rastitel'nyi I zhivotnyi mir Kurilskikh ostrovov. Novosibirsk, Nauka: 366 (in Russian)
Best wishes,
Chernyshev, A.V., 2005 (Sep 9) Re: Stiliger akkeshiensis from Kuril Islands. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from![](/images/m14728d.jpg)
Dear Alexei,
Yes I can see in this photo the head markings are on the skin. I have attached a copy of Baba's original illustrations [Pl. VII, figs 1-3], which shows the radula is very similar, and the head markings could be the same. But as I said earlier, a description of a preserved animal is not a lot to work with.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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