Re: Elysia sp. 14 from Nthn Mariana Ids
July 20, 2006
From: Yukari Tani

Concerning message #15794:
Dear Dr.Bill,
We have found another specimen of the Elysia in Carlson & Hoff's message #15794. We think it's a different species from the animal in our message #15755.
Locality: Obyan Beach, 0.3m, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, Pacific Ocean, 7 June 2006, on shallow flat reef. Length: 8mm. Photographer: Yukari Tani.
Would you tell us your advice, please ?
Best regards,
Yukari Tani, 2006 (Jul 20) Re: Elysia sp. 14 from Nthn Mariana Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Gon,
I suspect you are right. This animal, and Carlson & Hoff's, have quite obvious tubercles on the parapodia, and a pinkish mark in the dorsal midline just at the anterior end of the parapodia. Your earlier animal [message #15755] has a much smoother appearance, and has a dark purple band across the neck at the level of the eyes.
I'll wait for some comment from Clay & Patty Jo, but I think I should probably consider them to be two separate species
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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