Notobryon wardi at Fly Point, Port Stephens
May 30, 2000
From: Ron Greer

Dear Bill,
Late last year I sent you a couple of images for ID that you confirmed as Petalifera ramosa. That week of diving [November 1999] was the most prolific I had seen in 10 years at Fly Point [Port Stephens, New South Wales, Australia]. Of the 25+ species I saw were 5 that I have been unable to ID. Here is one of them. I hope you can ID for me.
Greer, R., 2000 (May 30) Notobryon wardi at Fly Point, Port Stephens. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Ron,
This is quite an interesting find. It is related to the pelagic species Scyllaea pelagica which Anne Dupont has sent such great photos from Florida. It does not seem to be that common, although Thompson & Brown (1981) reported that it was commonly under intertidal boulders in False bay, South Africa. We don't know much about its biology other than it feeds on hydroids.
As we can see in the enlarged photo of the head, the rhinophore stalks are relatively huge, the small rhinophores nestling at the tip.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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