Notobryon wardi? from west Mexico
June 29, 2002
From: Alicia Hermosillo

Dear Dr. Rudman,
I found another specimen of the same animal you identified as possibly being Notobryon wardi. I think these pictures might be better. Any thoughts??
Picture data: 22 feet deep, 17mm long, Faro Bucerias, Michoacan, Pacific Coast of Mexico.
Alicia Hermosillo
Dear Ali,
Yes this seems to be Notobryon. In this genus there are a few large finely branching gills, while in Scyllaea the gills are much shorter and more numerous, I don't think we know enough about the genus to say with any certainty whether there is one widepread species or a number of different species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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