Thorunna speciosus from Japan
June 9, 2000
From: Atsushi Ono

Dear Bill,
Here is a photo of an animal I think is Thorunna speciosus to compare with the two I think may be colour variations I sent in a separate message.
It is 13mm long and I found them at 5m depth on a coral reef at Kerama Is. near Okinawa in Japan.
Atsushi Ono
Ono, A., 2000 (Jun 9) Thorunna speciosus from Japan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Atsushi,
This is definitely T. speciosus but I don't think the other two photos you sent are colour variations of this species. Even if the orange border could vary to white, in T. speciosus there is always a break in the band on each side at the front of the mantle alongside the rhinophores. In the other animal, which I have tentatively called Thorunna cf. speciosus, there is no break in the white band bordering the mantle.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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