Thorunna purpuropedis from Kerama Id

June 15, 2000
From: Atsushi Ono

Dear Bill,
Thank you for your reply.

I think this Thorunna species is similar to T. montrouzieri. This maybe is the same as Bolland's animal Thorunna sp.#1.

I found this at 4m depth on dead coral at Kerama Is. near Okinawa. It was 7mm long, I found only one individual.

Could you help me to identify this?

Atsushi Ono

Ono, A., 2000 (Jun 15) Thorunna purpuropedis from Kerama Id. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Atsushi,
Thanks for sending this photo. It has helped me realise that I was wrong with the animal you sent on June 9.

Both the photo you have sent today, and the one on June 9 are Thorunna purpuropedis not Thorunna speciosus.

Bob Bolland's animal is Thorunna montrouzieri.

Thorunna speciosus does not have any red in its colour pattern and of the other two species with red, in Thorunna montrouzieri the orange border is absent posteriorly, while in Thorunna purpuropedis the orange band continues around the mantle edge.

One feature that is a bit puzzling is the orange border on either side just in front of the rhinophores. In other specimens of T. purpuropedis this continues around the front of the mantle, but in you photo there is a break as in specimens of T. montrouzieri. We will need more specimens and photos to clarify these species.

Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.

Rudman, W.B., 2000 (Jun 15). Comment on Thorunna purpuropedis from Kerama Id by Atsushi Ono. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

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