Phyllodesmium magnum pair from the Red Sea
October 13, 2005
From: Binyamin Koretz

Dear Bill,
We found this Phyllodesmium magnum pair in the same spot where a week earlier we'd encountered a single individual. Perhaps he's the larger of the current pair but there's no way to be sure.
I thought this might be a prelude to mating, but we couldn't stay for more than a few minutes to watch (depth was 42 m).
Locality: Eilat, Divers' Village, Israel. Red Sea (Gulf of Eilat). Depth: 42 m. Length: 10 cm. 26 August 2005. mixed corals. Photo: Binyamin & Shulamit Koretz
Koretz, B., 2005 (Oct 13) Phyllodesmium magnum pair from the Red Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Binyamin,
They are certainly spectacular looking aeolids. It's good to see the purplish body and foot with the white edge so clearly, as it was a feature very obvious in the animals I described from New Caledonia. I guess they stay in one spot if their food is nearby and plentiful. I agree that their 'closeness' suggests a prelude to mating, but I must say that is the norm amongst nudibranchs. I guess its an evolutionary imperative to mate whenever possible, when meeting a partner is in many ways a matter of luck.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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