Phyllodesmium magnum from Japan
November 23, 1999
From: Yasuhiro Shirai

Dear Bill,
Thank you for quick reply.
Today, I attached some pictures. I think they are of Phyllodesmium magnum.
What do you think? I would appreciate your comments.
PHOTO 36: I saw it at Kushimoto, Japan.
It was on a rocky reef, depth -13m, water temperature 23.8C, 130mm length, July 1999.
PHOTO36-1 is zoom picture of its head.
PHOTO 81: From same diving point, on rocky reef, depth -10m, water temperature 23.0C, 100mm length, November 1999. PHOTO 81-1 is zoom picture of its head.
Best regards.
Yasuhiro Shirai.
Dear Yasuhiro,
Yes your animals are Phyllodesmium magnum which appears to be widely spread in the Western Pacific. Although no physiological studies have been undertaken on this species, the large flattened cerata, the greatly branched digestive gland, and the concentration of zooxanthellae in cells near the dorsal surface of the animal suggest that this species is also "solar powered".
Your photo 36-1 clearly shows the yellowish edge to the foot, and at the bottom of photo 81 I am pretty sure that the soft coral you can see is Sinularia which is the soft coral I reported it being associated with in Western Australia (Rudman, 1991).
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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