An orange Phyllodesmium magnum from Hong Kong
September 9, 2001
From: Leslie Chan

Dear Dr. Rudman
Recently I found another colour of Phyllodesmium magnum in Hong Kong. Please confirm that I have correctly identified it.
South Ninepin Group, 12m. 2 August, 2001. The animal was about 6 cm long.
Best regards
Chan, L., 2001 (Sep 9) An orange Phyllodesmium magnum from Hong Kong. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Leslie,
I have never seen a P. magnum this colour before but I am sure that is what it is. The purplish tinge to the skin, the yellow tipped rhinophores, oral tentacles and cerata, and yellow border tothe foot are all characteristic of that species. The only difference seems to be that it has been eating something orange, because the orange seems confined to the digestive gland in the cerata. Did you by chance find it on, or near a red or orange soft coral or gorgonian?
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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