re: Nembrotha rutilans at Fly Point
April 25, 2003
From: Dave Harasti

Note added 4 March 2008: Following Pola et al (2008) the name N. rutilans has been replaced by Nembrotha purpureolineata [see message #21419].
Hi Bill,
Following my last message I took some photo's today of the Nembrotha's mating at Fly Point, Nelson Bay [Port Stephens, NSW, Australia]. This same pair has now been around for 7 weeks.
On each occasion I have seen this pair, there has been a yellow egg ribbon in close proximity. I am 100% sure this has been laid by Nembrotha rutilans as they are always found near this egg mass.

Thanks Dave,
Your upper photo looks like a Nembrotha paradise - with even a few of the yellow-lined ascidians nearby if they get hungry. I have included a close-up alongside showing the copulatory organs in action. As these animals are hermaphrodite both partners receive sperm from the other. In many nudbranchs the female opening [vagina] is just an opening on the right side of the body, sometimes raised on a slight swelling but often not. In at least some species of Nembrotha, as is so well illustrated here, the vaginal opening and the penial papilla are at the end of a long stalk, which is everted during mating.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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